Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Religious and National Festivals - Part 01

Throughout its long history, Mauritius became a melting pot for numerous cultures, religions and ethnicities, which is still reflected till this day with the array of cultural and religious festivals that the Island celebrates all year round.

Maha Shivaratree:
A Hindu festival also known as the "Great Night of Shiva". This night is celebrated by a pilgrimage to Grand Bassin; a natural lake in the central Plateau of the Island. Generally held in February or March, the pilgrims dress in white and journey to the lake carrying bamboo contraptions on their backs, as a sign of sacrifice.

A religious festival celebrated mostly by Indians of Tamil origin. Participants have their cheeks tongues and chests pierced after a period of fasting before going into temples carrying their offerings on their back. The rituals also include fire-walking ceremonies, performed by Indo-Mauritians of southern origin.

Father Laval Day:
September 9th marks the birthday of Blessed Father Jacques Désiré Laval (also known as "The Apostle of Mauritius).Every year, thousands of people from all communities walk to his shrine at Sainte Croix. He was a priest of French origin in the 18th century who became the protector of the slaves' community and has become the symbol of compassion and love.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post.
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